
06 Dec 2023


Honoured to be selected by #COP28 as one of the 39 Energy Transition Changemaker companies from around the world with solutions that help accelerate the energy transition and reach net-zero goals, a global effort that requires a comprehensive and transformational change.

The COP28 Presidency Awards recognize the quality of our solution as innovative and scalable, to help reach #decarbonization goals.

Our technology, AquaWatt, enables digitalization and decarbonization of water pipelines, in remote areas without electricity.

It leverages highly compact and efficient microturbines that harvest otherwise-wasted energy from pipeline pressure, and enables IoT connectivity off-grid, thus enabling data-driven decisions. This leads to a reduced total cost of ownership leading to a more efficient and more environmentally conscious water service with associated energy consumption and CO2 emissions reduction.

#cop28 #energyefficiency #ClimateAction #advancedmicroturbines #IoT #waterconservation #climatechange #UniteActDeliver #ClimateAction #energytransition #CO2reduction #CalltoAction

CircinWater Project

We are pleased to announce that our team has been awarded the CircInWater project funded by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) through Joint Cluster Initiatives (#EUROCLUSTERS) for our groundbreaking project entitled “Microturbine powered and AI-driven IoT System for Water Asset Management”. This recognition validates our commitment to innovation and underscores the potential impact of our work in advancing sustainable water resource management.

Disclaimer: Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are, however, those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or EISMEA. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

Jun 2023

Monitoraggio Autonomo ed Intelligente di infrAstrutture remote (MAIA)

P.O.R. FESR LIGURIA 2014-2020 – Asse 1 “Ricerca ed Innovazione” – Azione 1.2.4 – “Supporto alla realizzazione di progetti complessi di attività di ricerca e sviluppo per le imprese aggregate ai Poli di Ricerca ed Innovazione” – Anno 2020. Concessione di agevolazione Pos. n° 19

Il progetto MAIA ha lo scopo di progettare e realizzare una soluzione innovativa di monitoraggio e allertamento la cui finalità è garantire la sicurezza operativa di infrastrutture per il trasporto di fluidi (gas, idrocarburi, acqua) e la salvaguardia del territorio da esse attraversato. MAIA è concepito sulla base di una serie di moduli tecnologici altamente innovativi: microturbine a fluido per energy harvesting, centraline geognostiche mobili low-cost e modelli predittivi basati su Intelligenza Artificiale.

Advanced Microturbines Srl contribuisce al progetto MAIA con la propria competenza nello sviluppo di una innovativa microturbina per alimentare sistemo IoT off-grid.

Jul 2022


We are glad to inform that starting from July 2022 we opened a new representative office in Dubai.

Another step towards internationalization.

Come and visit us!

48 Burj Gate, 10th Floor, room #1001, Downtown – Dubai – EAU

Phone +971 4 3216260

#Dubai #Emirates #EAU

Nov 2021


We are honoured and delighted to announce that our Microturbine has been awarded the « Solar Impulse Efficient Solution » Label, listed among the 1000+ efficient and profitable solutions to protect the environment, and will be showcased at COP 26 – UN Climate Change Conference  in Glasgow, the summit that brings together parties and decision-makers from 192 countries to accelerate action towards the goals of the Paris Agreement and the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.

#solarimpulse, #ukcop26

Oct 2020


Il progetto è stato confinanziato dal Fondo Europeo di Sviluppo Regionale, POR Liguria FESR 2014-2020 Asse 3 “COMPETITIVITÀ DELLE IMPRESE” ed ha permesso lo sviluppo di un sistema hardware e software per la trasmissione e gestione dei dati relativi alle microturbine su un portale web dedicato.

May 2020


AirWatt has been listed among the sustainable green solutions within the  International Urban Cooperation programme (IUC). The IUC is a programme funded by the European Union that aims to enable cities to foster sustainable urban development by connecting and sharing their solutions to common problems. It is part of a long-term strategy by the European Union to foster sustainable urban development in cooperation with both the public and private sectors.

Nov 2019


Advanced Microturbines Srl has been awarded the highly competitive EU-funded INNOWWIDE Horizon 2020 grant (G. A. 2019-1731) aimed to support European innovative SMEs to reach international markets by allowing them to conduct a Viability Assessment Project in cooperation with foreign stakeholders. Our project focuses on the Peruvian gas market where we aim to introduce our microturbine technology. Peru is one of the fastest growing economies in South America and is the Latin America’s second country with the largest natural gas reserves.

Mind The Bridge

Start Cup Il Sole 24 Ore

Premio Nazionale Innovazione

Italia Camp 2012